Welcome to Peter Johannesen Ripped Me Off

In July 2011 my wife and I entered into a contract with Peter Johannesen to get our kitchen remodeled. Little did we know what Peter had or I should say not had in store for us and so began our journey of being a victim to the false representation of this mans contracting company. I put this site together in search of more victims and to compile history on the contracting companies run by Peter Johannesen.

Latest News


If you are a victim of Peter Johannesen call the Dallas District Attorney

Call Craig Watkins office and say you are victim and ask to speak to an investigator and ask to be added to case F1300127. 214-653-3600 Office .


Arrest record from March 12, 2013 http://www.jailbase.com/en/arrested/tx-dc/2013-03-12/peter-johannesen-13016569


Take a look at this website: http://courtecom.dallascounty.org/pav/
Search for case F1300127

Offense record can be found here by searching JOHANNESEN P: http://www.dallascounty.org/criminalBackgroundSearch/


Peter has removed any references of his name from his site and more importantly his About Us page. He has alternatively chose to use "PJ" instead of Peter Johannesen. It is also worthy to note that Peter has changed the names of his architect, structural engineer, and urban planner to new names all of which can not be verified if they are actually working with him.


The current company name Peter is operating under is Lone Star Contracting    Site here

Contractor Scams

All too often ignorant consumers are being taken advantage of by predators in the contracting business. Much to their dismay they find themselves a victim of a con artist that baits them into signing a contract with the intention of doing actual business. Only then after looking up the laws, after the fact, do they fully understand they had been taken advantage of. As a consumer your initial reaction is to pursue legal action against this company/individual. This often can require hiring legal representation and can easily cost more than the money you lost with a dishonest contractor. This is the state that most consumers just give up and take it on the chin. I however have devised a method for you as a consumer to fight back using social tools that are already available to you with next to little or no cost on your behalf depending on how far you want to take it.

If something like this has happened to you, the first advice you might hear from your friends is to let it go. This is when you turn to your friend and tell them to give you the money you lost and you will let it go. They won't give you the money, and you know you should not let it go. Innocent consumers should not be taken advantage of and when we do we should have an outet for the masses to hear our voice and it's our duty as a consumer to fight back.

The more activity you create online the more opportunity you will find others like yourself. Put away your pride and tell your story. This is the most important aspect of this whole experience is that others know what happened to you so you hopefully get people to avoid this particular situation. Our end goal is to unite the victims and file an official complaint with the district attorney's and attorney generals office to start an official investigation paid for by the state and not you as a consumer.

Peter Johannesen.

Peter Johannesen runs the following companies; Johannesen Construction, Johannesen Enterprises, Five star construction, Lone star contracting

Peter Johannesen's rhetoric states it's a family owned business yet the only history we can find is starting in 2009 in the DFW area. His companies have 9 complaints filed with the Better Business Bureau.. [ More Details here ]